JOURN 8016: Adv Quant

This course provides an introduction to statistical methods used in journalism/media-related social science research–analytical techniques include simple group comparisons, correlations, factor analysis, and linear models–and previews of several advanced statistical models and tools from data science. An introduction to R, an open source [and free] statistical computing environment used in the examples and assignments in this course, will also be provided.

Course website for JOURN 8016: Advanced Quantitative Research Methods, a Fall 2018 graduate course in the School of Journalism at the University of Missouri

The live course website can be found at For the source code used to make the site, see


This website design was forked from Sta112-F17 by Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, which is based on ESPM-157 by Carl Boettinger.

Background image created by Muge Cetinkaya. See the original image here.